Friday, February 10, 2017

Our First Day.

A long time ago, 
In a planet far far away, 
Called Jamaa,
Lived four cookies.
Gracie Cookie, (the mother cookie)
Sarah Cookie,
Lost Cookie, (she got lost in the factory)
And Custard Cookie (she rebelled a lot).
Those are our founders.
They were all at HQ.. That's where it started..

To start our adventures, we took a selfie! 

Another selfie.

But just then..

Custard Cookie rebelled 😭😭😭..

Rosy Zanybuddy wasn't a cookie.. So we defended with our frosting. 
Meanwhile, we gained a new cookie! Fox Cookie!

Trying to revert Custard..

She um- decided not to be a sugar cookie. Not a chocolate cookie. A half sugar half regular cookie.

Talking about how we could take down the Spinnyboiz.

Another selfie!

Tryna get Blossom to become a cookie.

We bravely marched into Julian2's den.. Afraid of nothing.. Charge!

The war had begun! *Launches frosting*

Cookiez 4 life.

Launching more frosting..

The battle got bigger. Frosting and cupcakes everywhere!

Being crazy. Looks like theres a Spinny Cookie in there..

Back to HQ!
Debating if we were the rebellion or the good side.. (#StarWars)

Lost had some good quotes.


And that concluded the little adventure the Cookies had! 

But heres the real question.

Whose better?

Cheese tigers?
Banana clan?
Or the new Cookie Clan? 

You decide. 😉

Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 20:4

May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed.

This is only if it's his will though.

Remember, God made YOU!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I would prefer to be surrounded by Cookie Clan members above those of any other AJ-based clan. The Spinnyboiz and Cheesetigers are two rival factions of self-proclaimed fanatics following two human beings, who in themselves have a (healthy) amount of rivalry between themselves. (Sometimes. CX) While individually they are often kind Jammers, the effect of mob rule can inspire surprising acts of violence in these "armies", even if they're only threatened or typed out. It's not something I want to be a part of.

    The Banana Clan recognizes the undesirable qualities in the Spinny-Cheese system, and opposes them. Unfortunately, that opposition consists of an apparently vehement hatred towards both clans of YouTuber fans, and the Bananas claim to be better than both YT fan factions (something I'm not qualified to judge). A clan created out of spite is also something I do not wish to participate in.

    The Cookie Clan does, apparently, engage in frosting battles with Spinnyboiz... but I do like the motto. The clan was created out of friends playing around, an I can support that. :P To me, though, "being the best cookie you can be" would mean living at peace with all clans... can I be an AmbassaJammer in the unlikely event there's a peace treaty being discussed? (Jambassador's taken.)

